New image “Sunset Burn” from Pono Images is now available on You can see the image at

I shot this image back in 2011 between Honokowai and Kahana, on the west coast of Maui. It was one of those evenings where I was pretty sure that the sunset wasn’t going to be very good. About 90 minutes before sunset, the sky conditions were cloudy. I didn’t figure that there would be much of a chance of a good sunset. But, I also know that light – and conditions – change. Which they did. One of the most incredible sunsets I’ve ever seen. This image – is right at the end of it. The sun has just set behind the clouds and the west coast of Moloka’i. And…the sky is on fire. Enjoy!

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Pono Images is based in Phoenix, AZ. Specializing in images of the American West, as well as Mexico, Costa Rica, and Hawai'i, Pono Images strives to capture and create art that connects, and builds emotion with the viewer.

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Pono Images

Pono Images is based in Phoenix, AZ. Specializing in images of the American West, as well as Mexico, Costa Rica, and Hawai'i, Pono Images strives to capture and create art that connects, and builds emotion with the viewer.

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