Hawai’i Landscape Photographs

Hawai'i Landscape Photographs

I’ve been traveling to Hawai’i for over 40 years, and it’s one of my most favorite spots to photograph. What many travelers may not realize is the diversity in microclimates that Hawai’i offers. Besides the incredible beaches, you can be in one location, just enjoying the surf, and not realize that less than 10 miles away, you could be in an arctic tundra, barren desert, or in the midst of a rainforest.

The images you find here, cover some of that variety. There are images from multiple hikes within Haleakala Crater on Maui, a dormant volcano that can get dustings of snow during the winter. I read an article in Hana Hou (the inflight magazine of Hawaiian Airlines) – a study was done that it is one of the quietest places on earth. There are locations in the crater where the only sound that microphones can pick up is the sound of metal degradation in the microphone! Many of the images here within the crater were taken in those areas.

And, of course, there are the sunsets of Hawai’i. Every one is different – and the gallery captures many different moods within those sunsets. There are also images of different flowers, plants, harbors, and activities. Aloha!

And, if you find an image you like, feel free to order a copy from our online store. Whether you’re looking for a small print to frame, or a large frame-on-canvas, take a look at the Pono Images store.

Pono Images photographs of Hawai’i are available for purchase at our Online Store.

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